
Cocoon is a series that seeks to explore vulnerability and the journey of identifying the self in a space that one may or may not call home.

Warmth, protection, growth, metamorphosis.

Yet, a shell; a husk discarded
once the creature has successfully outgrown its binds.

Our cocoon is made up of stories,
hints of nostalgia imbedded in certain smells,
actions or words,

and sometimes only feeling
but not knowing.

This solo photo exhibition opens 6th of March, 2024 at The Corner Shop Windows in Newtown (Australia), where three selected images are on display as large-scale handprints to the public 24/7 for one month.


Please turn your sound on to listen to an accompanying soundtrack.


Created by the artist in collaboration with Sydney producer Jackson Fester.


Sending my deep thanks to:

  • Sandra Barnard/sandyprints for beautifully hand-printing my images

  • Otis Burian Hodge for the wonderful opportunity to exhibit at TCS_Windows

  • Jackson Fester for helping me bring Cocoon Tapes to life (composing/producing/etc)

  • Chloe Walsh for creating a virtual 3D model for me to hang my works in

  • Last but not least: all collaborators for sharing your sacred time and space

And to many, many others, named and unnamed, who listened, supported and inspired.